Наприклад: Поліграфія, зовнішня реклама...
Шкaф-купe, кухни, стeнки, спaльни, гостиныe, дeтскaя мeбeль, дeтские кровaти, прихожиe,комоды, гaрдeробныe, обувницы.
шкaф купe, кухни, стeнки, спaльни, гостиныe, дeтскaя мeбeль, дeтские кровaти, прихожиe,комоды, гaрдeробныe, обувницы, мeбeль в сaнузeл, дивaны, дивaны угловые, кровaти, крeслa, пуфы, дeтские дивaны и многое другоe! Нaше прoизвoдствo мeбeли предoстaвляет возможность любoму желaющему зaкaзaть кoрпусную и мягкую мeбeль под зaкaз Уже 17лет нa рынке мeбeльной прoмышлeнности прeдoстaвляем громaднeйший выбoр фaбрик. Изгoтoвляем любые Итaльянские копии. Выполняем зaкaзы пoд любoй индивидуaльный прoект. При неoбхoдимoсти фoрмируем прoeкты мебели, предостaвляем кaк тexнические эскизы тaк и в цвeтном фoрмaте. Сбoркa считaется oтдельно при неoбхoдимoсти. Одним слoвoм нет никaких огрaничений пo мaтериaлaм, рaзмерaм, цeнe. Обрaщaйтесь пo любoму вoпрoсу, всeгдa рaды пoмoчь, Пo цeне всeгдa нaйдeм кoмпрoмис пoд вaш бюджeт.кaчествo гaрaнтируeм!!
Кабельне та супутникове телебачення
Мувінгові компанії, перевезення майна
Прибирання та клінінгові компанії
Все для дому, кафе, ресторанів
Мувінгові компанії, перевезення майна
Організація корпоративних заходів
Прибирання та клінінгові компанії
DOVIDKA.if.ua – Довідка для людей
ДОВІДКА Івано-Франківськ
тел:+38 (0342) 543-421
тел: +38 (098) 916-61-17
тел: +38 (050) 71-70-528
Для внесення в ДОВІДНИК e-mail:
Для Новин, Акцій, Подій e-mail:
Для внесення Оголошення e-mail:
Універсальний, зручний, цікавий рекламно-інформаційний ДОВІДНИК Івано-Франківська, України
Params | |
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1 |
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1 |
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3 |
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7 |
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11 |
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11 |
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14 |
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Params | |
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1 |
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Params | |
0 |
1 |
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3 |
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7 |
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Params | |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
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6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
select * from `permissions`
550μsdovidka-testingParams | |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from tableThe SELECT statement has no WHERE clause and could examine many more rows than intended |
select `roles`.*, `permission_role`.`permission_id` as `pivot_permission_id`, `permission_role`.`role_id` as `pivot_role_id` from `roles` inner join `permission_role` on `roles`.`id` = `permission_role`.`role_id` where `permission_role`.`permission_id` in ('1', '2', '3', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12')
840μsdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
3 | 5 |
4 | 6 |
5 | 7 |
6 | 8 |
7 | 9 |
8 | 10 |
9 | 11 |
10 | 12 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `sessions` where `id` = '581a99a2c727c0d9fc6224057ff721bd95b68c63' limit 1
550μsdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 581a99a2c727c0d9fc6224057ff721bd95b68c63 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from tableLIMIT without ORDER BY causes non-deterministic results, depending on the query execution plan |
select * from `settings`
470μsdovidka-testingParams | |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from tableThe SELECT statement has no WHERE clause and could examine many more rows than intended |
select * from `contents` where `isCategory` = '1' and `section` = 'categories'
5.29msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 1 |
1 | categories |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `text` where `text`.`article_id` in ('42', '43', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '1476', '1477', '1478', '1479', '1480', '1481', '1482', '1483', '1484', '1485', '1486', '1487', '1488', '1489', '1490', '1491', '1492', '1493', '1494', '1495', '1496', '1497', '1498', '1499', '1500', '1501', '1502', '1503', '1504', '1505', '1506', '1507', '1508', '1511', '1512', '1513', '1514', '1516', '1517', '1518', '1519', '1521', '1522', '1523', '1524', '1525', '1526', '1527', '1528', '1529', '1530', '1531', '1532', '1533', '1534', '1535', '1536', '1537', '1538', '1539', '1540', '1541', '1542', '1543', '1544', '1545', '1546', '1547', '1548', '1549', '1550', '1551', '1552', '1553', '1554', '1555', '1556', '1557', '1558', '1559', '1560', '1561', '1562', '1563', '1564', '1565', '1566', '1567', '1568', '1569', '1570', '1571', '1572', '1573', '1574', '1575', '1576', '1577', '1578', '1579', '1580', '1581', '1582', '1583', '1584', '1585', '1586', '1587', '1588', '1589', '1590', '1591', '1592', '1593', '1594', '1595', '1596', '1597', '1598', '1599', '1600', '1601', '1602', '1603', '1604', '1605', '1606', '1607', '1608', '1609', '1610', '1611', '1612', '1613', '1614', '1615', '1616', '1617', '1618', '1619', '1620', '1621', '1622', '1623', '1624', '1625', '1626', '1627', '1628', '1629', '1630', '1631', '1632', '1633', '1634', '1635', '1636', '1637', '1638', '1639', '1640', '1641', '1642', '1643', '1644', '1645', '1646', '1647', '1648', '1649', '1650', '1651', '1652', '1653', '1654', '1655', '1656', '1657', '1658', '1659', '1660', '1661', '1662', '1663', '1664', '1665', '1666', '1667', '1668', '1669', '1670', '1671', '1672', '1673', '1674', '1675', '1676', '1677', '1678', '1679', '1680', '1681', '1682', '1683', '1684', '1685', '1686', '1687', '1688', '1689', '1690', '1691', '1692', '1693', '1694', '1695', '1696', '1697', '1698', '1699', '1700', '1701', '1702', '1703', '1704', '1705', '1706', '1707', '1708', '1709', '1710', '1711', '1712', '1713', '1714', '1715', '1716', '1717', '1718', '1719', '1720', '1721', '1722', '1723', '1724', '1725', '1726', '1727', '1728', '1729', '1730', '1731', '1732', '1733', '1734', '1735', '1736', '1737', '1738', '1739', '1740', '1741', '1742', '1743', '1744', '1745', '1746', '1747', '1748', '1749', '1750', '1751', '1752', '1753', '1754', '1755', '1756', '1757', '1758', '1759', '1760', '1761', '1762', '1763', '1764', '1765', '1766', '1767', '1768', '1769', '1770', '1771', '1772', '1773', '1774', '1775', '1776', '1777', '1778', '1779', '1780', '1790') and `lang` = 'ua'
5.73msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 42 |
1 | 43 |
2 | 56 |
3 | 57 |
4 | 58 |
5 | 59 |
6 | 60 |
7 | 1476 |
8 | 1477 |
9 | 1478 |
10 | 1479 |
11 | 1480 |
12 | 1481 |
13 | 1482 |
14 | 1483 |
15 | 1484 |
16 | 1485 |
17 | 1486 |
18 | 1487 |
19 | 1488 |
20 | 1489 |
21 | 1490 |
22 | 1491 |
23 | 1492 |
24 | 1493 |
25 | 1494 |
26 | 1495 |
27 | 1496 |
28 | 1497 |
29 | 1498 |
30 | 1499 |
31 | 1500 |
32 | 1501 |
33 | 1502 |
34 | 1503 |
35 | 1504 |
36 | 1505 |
37 | 1506 |
38 | 1507 |
39 | 1508 |
40 | 1511 |
41 | 1512 |
42 | 1513 |
43 | 1514 |
44 | 1516 |
45 | 1517 |
46 | 1518 |
47 | 1519 |
48 | 1521 |
49 | 1522 |
50 | 1523 |
51 | 1524 |
52 | 1525 |
53 | 1526 |
54 | 1527 |
55 | 1528 |
56 | 1529 |
57 | 1530 |
58 | 1531 |
59 | 1532 |
60 | 1533 |
61 | 1534 |
62 | 1535 |
63 | 1536 |
64 | 1537 |
65 | 1538 |
66 | 1539 |
67 | 1540 |
68 | 1541 |
69 | 1542 |
70 | 1543 |
71 | 1544 |
72 | 1545 |
73 | 1546 |
74 | 1547 |
75 | 1548 |
76 | 1549 |
77 | 1550 |
78 | 1551 |
79 | 1552 |
80 | 1553 |
81 | 1554 |
82 | 1555 |
83 | 1556 |
84 | 1557 |
85 | 1558 |
86 | 1559 |
87 | 1560 |
88 | 1561 |
89 | 1562 |
90 | 1563 |
91 | 1564 |
92 | 1565 |
93 | 1566 |
94 | 1567 |
95 | 1568 |
96 | 1569 |
97 | 1570 |
98 | 1571 |
99 | 1572 |
100 | 1573 |
101 | 1574 |
102 | 1575 |
103 | 1576 |
104 | 1577 |
105 | 1578 |
106 | 1579 |
107 | 1580 |
108 | 1581 |
109 | 1582 |
110 | 1583 |
111 | 1584 |
112 | 1585 |
113 | 1586 |
114 | 1587 |
115 | 1588 |
116 | 1589 |
117 | 1590 |
118 | 1591 |
119 | 1592 |
120 | 1593 |
121 | 1594 |
122 | 1595 |
123 | 1596 |
124 | 1597 |
125 | 1598 |
126 | 1599 |
127 | 1600 |
128 | 1601 |
129 | 1602 |
130 | 1603 |
131 | 1604 |
132 | 1605 |
133 | 1606 |
134 | 1607 |
135 | 1608 |
136 | 1609 |
137 | 1610 |
138 | 1611 |
139 | 1612 |
140 | 1613 |
141 | 1614 |
142 | 1615 |
143 | 1616 |
144 | 1617 |
145 | 1618 |
146 | 1619 |
147 | 1620 |
148 | 1621 |
149 | 1622 |
150 | 1623 |
151 | 1624 |
152 | 1625 |
153 | 1626 |
154 | 1627 |
155 | 1628 |
156 | 1629 |
157 | 1630 |
158 | 1631 |
159 | 1632 |
160 | 1633 |
161 | 1634 |
162 | 1635 |
163 | 1636 |
164 | 1637 |
165 | 1638 |
166 | 1639 |
167 | 1640 |
168 | 1641 |
169 | 1642 |
170 | 1643 |
171 | 1644 |
172 | 1645 |
173 | 1646 |
174 | 1647 |
175 | 1648 |
176 | 1649 |
177 | 1650 |
178 | 1651 |
179 | 1652 |
180 | 1653 |
181 | 1654 |
182 | 1655 |
183 | 1656 |
184 | 1657 |
185 | 1658 |
186 | 1659 |
187 | 1660 |
188 | 1661 |
189 | 1662 |
190 | 1663 |
191 | 1664 |
192 | 1665 |
193 | 1666 |
194 | 1667 |
195 | 1668 |
196 | 1669 |
197 | 1670 |
198 | 1671 |
199 | 1672 |
200 | 1673 |
201 | 1674 |
202 | 1675 |
203 | 1676 |
204 | 1677 |
205 | 1678 |
206 | 1679 |
207 | 1680 |
208 | 1681 |
209 | 1682 |
210 | 1683 |
211 | 1684 |
212 | 1685 |
213 | 1686 |
214 | 1687 |
215 | 1688 |
216 | 1689 |
217 | 1690 |
218 | 1691 |
219 | 1692 |
220 | 1693 |
221 | 1694 |
222 | 1695 |
223 | 1696 |
224 | 1697 |
225 | 1698 |
226 | 1699 |
227 | 1700 |
228 | 1701 |
229 | 1702 |
230 | 1703 |
231 | 1704 |
232 | 1705 |
233 | 1706 |
234 | 1707 |
235 | 1708 |
236 | 1709 |
237 | 1710 |
238 | 1711 |
239 | 1712 |
240 | 1713 |
241 | 1714 |
242 | 1715 |
243 | 1716 |
244 | 1717 |
245 | 1718 |
246 | 1719 |
247 | 1720 |
248 | 1721 |
249 | 1722 |
250 | 1723 |
251 | 1724 |
252 | 1725 |
253 | 1726 |
254 | 1727 |
255 | 1728 |
256 | 1729 |
257 | 1730 |
258 | 1731 |
259 | 1732 |
260 | 1733 |
261 | 1734 |
262 | 1735 |
263 | 1736 |
264 | 1737 |
265 | 1738 |
266 | 1739 |
267 | 1740 |
268 | 1741 |
269 | 1742 |
270 | 1743 |
271 | 1744 |
272 | 1745 |
273 | 1746 |
274 | 1747 |
275 | 1748 |
276 | 1749 |
277 | 1750 |
278 | 1751 |
279 | 1752 |
280 | 1753 |
281 | 1754 |
282 | 1755 |
283 | 1756 |
284 | 1757 |
285 | 1758 |
286 | 1759 |
287 | 1760 |
288 | 1761 |
289 | 1762 |
290 | 1763 |
291 | 1764 |
292 | 1765 |
293 | 1766 |
294 | 1767 |
295 | 1768 |
296 | 1769 |
297 | 1770 |
298 | 1771 |
299 | 1772 |
300 | 1773 |
301 | 1774 |
302 | 1775 |
303 | 1776 |
304 | 1777 |
305 | 1778 |
306 | 1779 |
307 | 1780 |
308 | 1790 |
309 | ua |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `contents` where `alias` = 'contacts' limit 1
2.24msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | contacts |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from tableLIMIT without ORDER BY causes non-deterministic results, depending on the query execution plan |
select * from `text` where `text`.`article_id` in ('3574')
2.57msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 3574 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `contents` where `section` = 'banners' and `featured` = '1' limit 1
540μsdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | banners |
1 | 1 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from tableLIMIT without ORDER BY causes non-deterministic results, depending on the query execution plan |
select * from `contents` where `isCategory` = '1' and `section` = 'advertisement-categories'
3.75msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 1 |
1 | advertisement-categories |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `text` where `text`.`article_id` in ('1509', '1781', '1782', '1783', '1784', '1785', '1786', '1787', '1788', '1789') and `lang` = 'ua'
2.8msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 1509 |
1 | 1781 |
2 | 1782 |
3 | 1783 |
4 | 1784 |
5 | 1785 |
6 | 1786 |
7 | 1787 |
8 | 1788 |
9 | 1789 |
10 | ua |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `contents` where `alias` = 'banner-info' limit 1
2.37msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | banner-info |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from tableLIMIT without ORDER BY causes non-deterministic results, depending on the query execution plan |
select * from `text` where `text`.`article_id` in ('3800')
2.67msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 3800 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `contents` where `alias` = 'mebel-pod-zakaz-ivano-frankovsk' and `publish_date` <= '2025-01-11 01:04:06' and (`expiry_date` > '2025-01-11 01:04:06' or `publish_date` = '0000-00-00' or `expiry_date` = '' or `expiry_date` = '0000-00-00') limit 1
2.26msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | mebel-pod-zakaz-ivano-frankovsk |
1 | 2025-01-11 01:04:06 |
2 | 2025-01-11 01:04:06 |
3 | 0000-00-00 |
4 | |
5 | 0000-00-00 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from tableLIMIT without ORDER BY causes non-deterministic results, depending on the query execution plan |
select * from `text` where `text`.`article_id` in ('3313')
2.76msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 3313 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `files` where `parentId` = '3313' order by `position` asc
430μsdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 3313 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select `contents`.*, `category_items`.`item_id` as `pivot_item_id`, `category_items`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `contents` inner join `category_items` on `contents`.`id` = `category_items`.`category_id` where `category_items`.`item_id` = '3313'
1.36msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 3313 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `text` where `text`.`article_id` in ('1785', '1509')
2.73msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 1785 |
1 | 1509 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
update `contents` set `views` = `views` + 1, `updated_at` = '2025-01-11 01:04:06' where `id` = '3313'
1.54msdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 2025-01-11 01:04:06 |
1 | 3313 |
select * from `files` where `files`.`parentId` = '62' and `files`.`parentId` is not null
780μsdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 62 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from table |
select * from `text` where `text`.`article_id` = '62' and `text`.`article_id` is not null limit 1
360μsdovidka-testingParams | |
0 | 62 |
hints | Use SELECT * only if you need all columns from tableLIMIT without ORDER BY causes non-deterministic results, depending on the query execution plan |